In 2023, we developed a sustainability governance structure to steer and propel our sustainability strategy and goals. Approved by the Board in February 2024, it sets out the roles and responsibilities at the Board, management, and operational levels to identify, monitor, report and improve our ESG performance and oversight of ESG risks.
The Board maintains overall responsibility for supervising the Company’s sustainability strategy, the management of ESG issues and their associated risks and opportunities. It includes determining and evaluating ESG topics and their risks, overseeing the sustainability reports and ensuring that appropriate controls are in place for all significant ESG matters. The Board also approves the ESG goals and targets and reviews the Company’s progress in meeting them. For day- to-day monitoring, the Board delegated the responsibility to the Sustainability Steering Committee.
Chaired by the CEO (who is also the Executive Director), the Sustainability Steering Committee comprises the Managing Director (CEO Cabinet), Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer. The Sustainability Steering Committee oversees ESG-related work plans, performance and reporting and supports the Board in formulating ESG-related strategies, goals, targets and policies.
At the operational level, we have established Sustainability Working Groups comprising department representatives that ideate and implement sustainability-related initiatives and manage material ESG risks. Collectively, the working groups support periodic and annual sustainability reporting for the Sustainability Steering Committee’s review. In addition, the Senior Manager (Sustainability) coordinates the Sustainability Working Groups to roll out ESG initiatives and reports to the Sustainability Steering Committee.